
Put a strategy in place today for the reality of tomorrow.

Log in (registration required) and get started here for solutions in:

Telehealth GET HELP
Chronic Care Management GET HELP
Remote Patient Monitoring  GET HELP
Practice Compliance  GET HELP
Practice Revenue + Profits GET HELP
Sustainable Programs GET HELP
Practice Transformation GET HELP

Our Process:

Assessment (Phase I):  Initial relationship is established; resources to meet immediate needs identified and introduced to clinic workflows; full scope of project is determined

Design (Phase II):  Data-driven analysis identifies opportunities for growth; strategies are tailored to your practice for revenue generation, patient engagement and outcomes, risk mitigation, and more

Implementation (Phase III):  Adoption of workflow, policy, technology, vendor, etc. changes that support your goals; continued assessment of initial and subsequent resource integration and focus areas

Evaluate Progress (Phase IV):  Ongoing KPI tracking, impact summaries, assessments and recommendations; monthly check-in meetings and feedback

No up-front fees | We guarantee our work | Scalable project scope

We help you answer: Where are we now? (Phase I); Where are we going? (Phase II); How do we get there? (Phase III); How will we know when we get there? (Phase IV).


Plans & Strategies Drive Improvement

Our data-driven strategies and tools can help your clinic plan and navigate important areas, such as telehealth, telemedicine, HIPAA, Medicare services, patient engagement, leveraging technology, etc.

Through sustained client engagement, research, and goal setting, the relationships created promote transformations resulting in:  better quality and timeliness of patient information to providers driving better outcomes (higher QOL, fewer hospitalizations and readmissions, etc.); improved quality scores (helping providers land in the shrinking MIPS bonus pool rather than the growing penalty pool); and, significant and sustainable revenue increases to help stabilize business functions and meet goals (overhead, payroll, expansion).

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